Thursday, January 13, 2005

Nice Work, Bud

For a momment, I'm going to break my new years resolution of only writing in a positive manner. Please excuse me while I blast MLB and the MLBPA.

Proving again that MLB is run by spineless idiots, Bud Selid and his cast of morons has agreed to a new so-called steroids testing policy.

Under the terms of the new policy, the first offense would be an up-to 10 day suspension. Sure, starts with 10, then, after appeals, is down to three. Even better, you have up to four failed tests before you get your one year suspension. If its random how long will it take to get to four? 10 years?

The best news is that the cheaters can still cheat. There will random testing rather than regular testing of all players. If you want to, you can still start injecting yourself late in your career, boost your numbers, and by the time they find out a fourth time, you're ready to retire anyway. Hey Higginson, want to revive your career?

What is wrong with MLB? Spineless. Take the NHL's example, shut your league down for a year if you have to. You cannot continue to operate like this. There are plenty of capable people in this world willing to play the game at a high level without steroids. Let them be scabs and restore dignity to the game.

Bud Selig has to go. There is no reason to keep this moron around. He's proving once again that he cannot stand up to the MLBPA and keep the game respectable. He has stupid ideas, and no action on things that need strong action. Please, Mr. Selig, resign.

As for Donald Fehr, you're a disgrace to the nation. You think its capitalism is a business trying to survive the financially sound way. You feel as if drug testing is some forfeit in rights, when it is really upholding the law, and maintaining the integrity of the game. Please, resign and leave the country. There is no place for you here.

Finally, I applaud any further action that Senator McCain takes against MLB and this so-called "policy". This is a disgrace.


At 3:45 PM, Blogger the sports dude said...

Well, we can't be positive all the time right?

Speaking of positive, 10 day suspension for a first "positive"? What the crap is that? Can someone please just tell me why they even bothered opening their mouth? And the random crap, that is ridiculous! I mean, if it is random who are the going to randomly check? I doubt the super stars, they will just check the bench players. Plus, we all know the stars get tips and leaks as to when these random tests are coming, so they have time to flush their systems out and test clean. It really needs to be more harsh, but sadly I don't like Selig, or Fehr for that matter, and they are both spineless if you ask me! It needs to be to the point where a first offense gets you gone for a half season while you rehab, second offense is an entire year and third time is a charm - life time ban!

Look at Pete Rose, all he did was gamble, but no one can prove he ever threw a game to make money for his bets! They ban that dude for life, but drug users and abusers get a slap on the wrist and a turn the other cheek attitude. It really is all backwards if you ask me, and that is a shame, and a sham, and a fraud! To me, abusing steroids, which is straight up cheating, is worse than what Pete Rose did, hands down. Oh well, as sad and horrible as it may sound, maybe someone needs to die from an enhancement type drug, an overdose if possible, or whatever! Maybe that will open everyone's eyes a little more, and if that is what it takes, I hate to say it then so be it!

At 4:00 PM, Blogger Dan Joseph said...

As much as I hate to say it, I'd like to see Selig act like Bettman. Just kick and whine and say what he wants and not back down. Bust the union, who cares. No one likes Fehr anyway, not even half the players.

Pete Rose is mistreated by MLB. He's used whenever they need him to sell more tickets, then they throw him back into the sewer. It is a real shame that he bet illegally, but c'mon, there is no evidence that he bet against the Reds or it affected anything on the field. Steroids do, and have, and will. Let Rose go to a ball game and watch, let him get elected into the Hall of Fame. Enough is enough. He did everything Selig wanted, and he still gets no where.

At 4:01 PM, Blogger Dan Joseph said...

Also, these guys do NOT love the game. Here's what they love:

They love Money
They love Fame
They love Power

At 4:34 PM, Blogger Dan Joseph said...

I have some quotes to respond to:

"I've been saying for some time my goal for this industry is zero tolerance toward steroids," baseball commissioner Bud Selig said.

Zero tolerance would mean they are banned for the first offense. You are a moron.

"We're acting today to help restore the confidence of our fans," Selig said.

We're already confident you have no clue.

"I will be surprised if over time this doesn't take care of the problem virtually completely," union head Donald Fehr said.

Virtual reality is nothing like reality. Therefore, virtually solving a problem is not solving it at all. Good job, Donny, you moron.

"We had a problem and we dealt with the problem," Selig said. "I regarded this as not only a health issue, but certainly you could say it was an integrity issue in this sport."

Sure is, but did you help today? No. You put another blinder on, and let the MLBPA kick you aroun. Good job, Bud.


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